About Venturing and Sea Scouts, ages 14-20

What is the Venturing Program? 
Created for boys and girls ages 14-20, Venturing is a youth-led program where Scouts experience positive mentorship and develop leadership skills in a fun, supportive environment.

What Will I Do in Venturing? 
Venturers develop leadership skills like decision making, communication, and organization by choosing activities they are most interested in performingSome of these activities include kayaking, volunteering at animal shelters, or designing robots—the Venturing activity is entirely up to the Scout! 

How Often Do Venturing Crews Meet? 
Up to twice a month at locations relevant to the crew’s high-adventure or activity of interest.

Who Runs Venturing? 
Elected youth lead meetings, set schedules, and plan activities under the guidance of adult advisors. Chartered organizations like religious institutions, youth groups, or service organizations typically sponsor Venturing programs.

WhShould I Join Venturing? 
Venturing teaches youth valuable leadership skills through fun, challenging, and age-appropriate adventures where they are encouraged to make ethical choices that adhere to the Scout Oath and Law. 

What is the Sea Scouts Program? 
Sea Scouting is a maritime program for boys and girls ages 14-20 providing a fun, safe environment for Scouts to learn, build friendships, and develop character while earning advancement. 

What Will I Do in Sea Scouts? 
Sea Scouts—organized into units called ships—recognizes Scouts for activities they learn and do, including paddleboarding, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, and even SCUBA. Scouts earn certifications in SCUBA, boating safety, lifesaving, CPR—credentials that mark their growth as sailors and leaders throughout their time in the program. 

How Often Do Sea Scouts Meet? 
Sea Scouts meet weekly or every other week. 

Who Runs the Sea Scouts? 
Elected youth officers plan and conduct the program under the guidance of adult advisors. Coast Guard Auxiliary and Flotillas are among the chartered organizations interested in teaching youth activities in, around, or underwater. Each ship is typically sponsored by a business, service organization, religious institution, or other organizations within the community. 

WhShould I Join Sea Scouts? 
Sea Scouts prepares youth for the routine and unexpected challenges of seamanship while encouraging citizenship, developing boating skills, and promoting water safety through hands-on experience on a watercraft.

Venturing Crews & Sea Scout Ships

Ship 178

Union United Methodist Church